
User Guide

Welcome to the User Guide for the Duke chatbox!


Add a Todo : todo

Adds a todo to the list of tasks

syntax: todo [DESCRIPTION]

Example: todo homework1

Add an event : event

Adds an event to the list of tasks. Time must be formatted in DD/MM/YYYY HHmm

syntax: event [DESCRIPTION] /at [TIME]

Example: event lecture /at 20/10/2020 1800

Add an deadline : deadline

Adds a deadline to the list of tasks. Time must be formatted in DD/MM/YYYY HHmm

syntax: deadline [DESCRIPTION] /by [TIME]

Example: deadline CS2103IP /by 20/10/2020 1800

List all task : list

Show all the tasks.

syntax: list

Delete a task : delete

Delete a task

syntax: delete [INDEX]

Example: delete 1

Finish a task : done

Mark a task as complete

syntax: done [INDEX]

Example: done 1

Find a task : find

Find a task with the given keyword

syntax: find [KEYWORD]

Example: find homework

Close the program : bye

Close the program and save your data

syntax: bye